Sorority Recruitment, informally known as Rush, is the formal process of joining a sorority. Recruitment consists of several rounds where Potential New Members, or PNMs, visit each sorority. In the first round, PMNs visit all sororities and then rank their top houses at the end of the round. Sororities do the same because Recruitment is mutual selection. Each round after, the PNMs visit fewer and fewer sororities until the last round, Preference Round, where they will rank their final houses they want to join. On Bid Day, PNMs find out which sorority they will join and celebrate with their new sisters. For more details and information on your school's recruitment process, please visit their website or social media pages.
Recommendations from alumnae are provided to sororities during recruitment to provide additional information about the members participating in recruitment. They are not required to participate in recruitment, nor for membership into any of the National Panhellenic Conference Sororities.
The Nashville Area Alumnae Panhellenic can help you in obtaining recommendations from sororities at your college or university.
Click here to complete your request for recommendations.
*Please note we only facilitate the disbursement of information to local alumnae chapters, the recommendation writing is at the sole discretion of each alumnae chapter.
2022 Sorority 101 Presentation
2023 Sorority 101 Presentation
Leadership opportunities
Meet friends
Ways to be active on campus
Networking during and after college
Most sororities have private sides on their website that allow you to find other members in your career field.
Many sororities have career orientation to meet alumnae in various career fields to network.
You can find an alumnae chapter in most metropolitan cities and many small towns. Great way to make friends when you move to a new area or expand your friendship circle in your hometown.
Primary Recruitment differs at each school, however, the basic format is the same everywhere.
Most Panhellenics hold primary recruitment that is open to all women to participate. There are usually between three and five rounds and each round emphasizes different aspects of sorority life.
You will be grouped with other women going through recruitment with a recruitment counselor that is a member of a sorority to go through the recruitment process with you.
Most Panhellenics have a minimum GPA requirement and a fee to participate.
Most of all, remember that Recruitment is supposed to fun, so enjoy it!
You will learn the following about each sorority:
Membership requirements
GPA requirements
Activities in each sorority
Sorority involvement on campus
Strong encouragement to maintain high grades.
Study-buddies matching you with other members in the same major.
Academic workshops to help with study skills, test taking, etc…
Study hours
Test/syllabus files to help with choosing classes and preparing for test taking.
Notebook libraries – notes from members that have taken the class previously to help with studying.
Scholarships are available to members through the national organization and some on local levels.
Last year $445,085 in scholarship grants were awarded from alumnae Panhellenic groups.
No hazing is tolerated in any NPC sororities
Many sororities have 1-800 numbers to anonymously report any hazing incident.
Educational programs to help members recognize hazing and stop it.
Legacies are defined differently. For chapter-specific definitions of a legacy:
Alpha Chi Omega: sister, mother, grandmother, great grandmother (The Alpha Chi Omega member and her family define the step/blended family relationship)
Alpha Delta Pi: sister, mother and grandmother
Alpha Epsilon Phi: sister, step-sister, half-sister, mother, step-mother, grandmother, step-grandmother
Alpha Gamma Delta: daughter, step-daughter, sister, step-sister, granddaughter or step granddaughter to an Alpha Gamma Delta member in Good Standing.
Alpha Omicron Pi: sister, step-sister, adopted sister, mother, step-mother, adopted mother, grandmother, step-grandmother, adopted grandmother
Alpha Phi: sister, step-sister, mother, step-mother, grandmother, great-grandmother. No preferential treatment is given to legacies.
Alpha Sigma Alpha: sister, step-sister, mother, step-mother, grandmother, step-grandmother, aunt, step-aunt. Chapters are no longer required to invite legacies to the fist invitational round of recruitment.
Alpha Sigma Tau: sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin (blood and step)
Alpha Xi Delta: sister, mother, grandmother, aunt (step and half relations are considered legacies). No preferential treatment is given to legacies.
Chi Omega: sister, mother
Delta Delta Delta: sister, mother, step-sister, step-mother. Chapters are encouraged but not required to invite legacies to a minimum of one invitational party.
Delta Gamma: sister, mother, grandmother, step-sister, step-mother, step-grandmother. No preferential treatment is given to legacies.
Delta Phi Epsilon: biological, adopted, or step mother or sister; biological or adopted grandmother, great-grandmother, or aunt.
Delta Zeta: biological or adopted sister, mother, grandmother, great grandmother; or the same step- or half-relation if the relationship has been a close one.
Gamma Phi Beta: sister, step-sister, mother, step-mother, grandmother. No preferential treatment is given to legacies.
Kappa Alpha Theta: sister, mother, grandmother, great grandmother (the Kappa Alpha Theta member defines the legacy relationship of step sisters, step daughters, step granddaughters and step great granddaughters). No preferential treatment is given to legacies.
Kappa Delta: sister, mother, grandmother (step and half relations are also considered legacies).
Kappa Kappa Gamma: sister, mother, grandmother, great grandmother
Phi Mu: sister, half-sister, step-sister, daughter, step-daughter, granddaughter, or great-granddaughter of a Phi Mu in good standing. An alumna is in good standing if she left her Phi Mu chapter without owing any money to the chapter or national organization. If she quit or voluntarily withdrew, she is not an alumna in good standing.
Phi Sigma Sigma: sister, mother, aunt, grandmother or through marriage sister, mother, aunt, grandmother. - As of June 2020, Phi Sigma Sigma no longer extends special consideration for legacies.
Pi Beta Phi: sister, mother, grandmother. Individual chapters may expand their policy to include step relationships and great-grandmother.
Sigma Delta Tau: sister, step-sister, mother, step-mother, grandmother, step-grandmother, great grandmother and step-great-grandmother
Sigma Kappa: sister, step-sister, mother, step-mother, grandmother, step-grandmother, aunt, step-aunt. No preferential treatment is given to legacies.
Sigma Sigma Sigma: A legacy is defined as a sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, stepmother, or stepsister of an initiated member. Tri Sigma will continue to recognize and celebrate Tri Sigma legacies, but potential new members who are legacies will no longer receive preferential treatment during the recruitment process.
Theta Phi Alpha: sister, half-sister, stepsister, daughter, stepdaughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, niece, aunt, or any other woman so designated by The Grand Council.
Zeta Tau Alpha: sister, mother, grandmother
For those sororities that still give special treatment to legacies, the Potential New Member must still meet the minimum requirements to participate in recruitment.